About Us

We are The Tech Frontier. An online blog delivering content with detailed reviews, guides, and more. We strive to provide content about all tech from the frontier of new products to commodities for all.

We supply media for the popular fields in tech and the niches. By also delivering content that applies to many but is often not covered, we strive to provide trustworthy and reliable content to answer some of the most important questions for consumers.

We wish to provide resources that are more accessible than resources like Reddit or Discord to not only help those who are beginners to the tech world but also enthusiasts.

The Team


Founder, Writer, and Editor

Stream with rocks in a forest.

Aside from managing the site, Giacomo writes content and edits almost all the articles. He also is the developer for the site and gives key ideas regarding the design and structure.

Gaming setup with three monitors.
Giacomo’s Setup

Throughout my life, I have been a tech enthusiast. Starting from a young age I got experience in multiple fields including building PCs, programming, writing about computer peripherals, and more. I wish to spread knowledge about these different fields and provide information about different niches that may be popular but are not written about often.



Tree at a beach with rocks on it.

Aayush wrote articles and helped design some of the pages. As a founder he helped with key projects but he has since left the team.

Three monitors at a gaming setup.
Aayush’s Setup

From a very early point in my life, I have been interested in technology. I liked to take apart broken things, try to fix them, and make them work again. From then on, I knew I was interested in technology. At 8 years old I built my first PC. Since then, I have built and troubleshooted multiple PCs and gained a passion for gaming, audio, keyboards, and much more. Lastly I have experience in graphical design and video editing.


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